Black Cohosh and Menopause:
Natural Relief

If you're between the ages of 35-50, you've probably heard of the relationship between black cohosh and menopause, and maybe you are wondering if this herb is right for you.

Order Black Cohosh Here.

Many women use this herb to get natural menopause relief from their menopause and pre menopause symptoms.

But, don't use this herb if you are pregnant, nursing, or have breast cancer.

What Does It Treat?

Black cohosh is a bit of a mystery. Scientists are still not sure exactly why it works, but some believe it is because it gives our body estrogen-like effects.

This herb has been used by Native American women (they called it cramp bark) and Chinese women for centuries.

Women use it to treat:

It also helps to improve arthritis pain and has been shown to help irritable bowel syndrome.

Order Black Cohosh Here.

Natural Supplements

You will find the best results with this herb if you use if for a short period of time (six months or so).

You can find black cohosh extract in either pill or droplet form.

If using the droplets, take 10-15 drops in a 1/4 glass of water three times a day.

If using the pills, take 100 mg twice a day. If you take more than the recommended dose, you could experience some negative side effects.

Side Effects

Don't take black cohosh if you are pregnant, nursing, or have breast cancer.

Some women report feeling stomach pains, headaches, and indigestion when using this herb, so be sure to monitor your body for any of these negative side effects.

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